Friday, 31 October 2008

If you have anything to do with XHTML and CSS this is a most useful little demo.

It explains z-index positioning for css.

really useful, very well explained.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

That's better....

Well following on from the last moan, its improving, perhaps someone is listening... trees make a sound when they fall when nobody is there to hear them?

Monday, 6 October 2008

Fuel mumble grumble

So, oil prices have dipped below $90 a barrel today.

Why, oh why are we still paying over £1.18 for diesel at the pumps?

We are getting RIPPED OFF in this country, and we're all to passive and stupid to do anything about it.
If we were French, half the country would be on fire/blockaded in protest!

or am I alone in this thinking......?