Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Podcasts For Web Designers Worth Listening - good ole Smashing Mag again!

As timely as ever Smashing Mag have just posted an article on Podcasts for Web Designers, and as my time is now more precious I think it appropriate to try some of these gems.

The Path to Performance, for example, is a podcast dedicated to fostering a culture around web performance in organizations. It often features interviews with people who have successfully integrated performance as part of their culture and the benefits they have seen.

Responsive Web Design Podcast is dedicated to responsive redesigns; Viewsources Podcast is dedicated to front-end development and design workflows and if you're looking for something slightly less technical, Unfinished Business, talks about pretty much everything web (and not web) related, hosted by Andrew Clarke.

All change

So its been a bit quiet on the blog side, job situation has been in turmoil for the past 18 months. I'm still t'internetting, but moved to client side (rather than agency). Now 3 months into a new role which I'm loving but as you all know corporate land has very little access outside of the LAN so I'm just starting to have a bit of time to stick my head out the window and smell what the world is doing again.